
The Dojo Aikido Unlimited was founded in 2009 by Julia Geissberger and Peter Fankhauser.

They lead the Dojo together and in partnership. Both teach Aikido with passion.

We see teaching as a part of the personal evolving process in the art of Aikido. It helps to embody and to deepen the understanding. We support students who would like to start teaching on their path to become an Instructor.

Thats why from time to time experienced students are teaching the classes.

A. Julia Geissberger (5th Dan Aikikai) has been practicing Aikido since 1993. She started at Aikikai Zurich and later trained with Rosmarie Herzig up to black belt. During almost 2 years she was Uchideshi with Patrick Cassidy.

Other teachers include Linda Holiday, Kayla Feder, Wolfgang Baumgartner, Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros, Miles Kessler, Frank Doran, Jan Nivelius, Daiyu Takeda, Richard Moon and Robert Nadeau.

From her first job as an art and handicraft teacher, Julia has 12 years of teaching experience with children and adolescents and in outpatient psychiatry.

Other trainings and professional fields around the topics of movement, creativity and conflict resolution are: Contact Improvisation, Oriental Dance, Self-Defense (IG Pallas, Women/Girls), 3 year training in Franklin Method movement education®, completed in 2006. Freelancer at Smart Worker AG (Aikido for long-term job seekers) and seminars on "Nonviolent Communication (GFK) and Aikido".

As a Trager practitioner, Julia offers individual sessions in the Trager practice and group sessions.

It is Julia's concern to support and accompany other people of all ages to deeper self-awareness and thereby to more joy and self-confidence in life.


Peter Fankhauser (5th dan Aikikai) has been training Aikido since 1992 and teaches since 1999 in Uster.

His understanding in the art of Aikido has been inspired and deepened through his relationship with Patrick Cassidy.

Peter started Aikido with Roland Spitzbarth in Zürich and was influenced later by Severin Corpateaux. The following international Teachers form and formed his Aikido:

Morihiro Saito, Robert Nadeau, Christian Tissier, Patrick Cassidy, Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros, Miles Kessler, Jan Nevelius, Jean-Michel Merit and Daiyu Takeda.

Peter Fankhauser is a Trager practitioner / tutor / instructor, certified psychiatric nurse and certified naturopath (focus on bodywork). He practices meditation and is interested in forms in the field of conscious movement.


The aspects of healing, contact, relationship, awakening to the Self, creativity and freedom inspire his life and work in a deep way.


Rahel Sonderegger (2nd dan Aikikai) practices Aikido since 2012 with Julia and Peter in Uster.

Seminars with Patrick Cassidy and Daiyu Takeda leave lasting impressions, which she likes to explore further.

She gives one Saturday training per month and helps out when the senseis are absent. Once a week she organizes TanZen in the dojo and has her own meditation group in Egg.

Professionally, she is a self-employed seamstress and creates power garments in her own store in Egg.

Beauty is important to Rahel and that the training is fun.

Her many years of dance experience help with the topics of body awareness, relationship, contact and dialogue.

She is married and has two daughters, who also appear from time to time in the dojo...


Thomas Zeilmann (2nd dan Aikikai) started with Aikido in 2007.

He founded the club Aikido Oberwallis together with friends, trained with Werner Flückiger, Peter Weber and Sonny Roobin.

Since 2014 he is active in Uster with Julia and Peter in the Dojo and Evolutionary Aikido.

He gives trainings every now and then on Saturdays or during the week.

Everything that promotes the flow of life energy is of special interest to him.


Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
