
Aikido is unique in the world of martial arts. The focus is not on competition, but on the transformation of conflict.

In the confrontation with technical and free forms, which are executed with and without weapons, we thrive for a harmonious togetherness. Aikido addresses body, heart and spirit in a very comprehensive way. We experience what it means to deal with the unknown (attack) from one's own center, in peace and yet creatively.

The mastery of technical aspects, the embodiment of the principles and the deeper understanding of the perspective in the art are essential aspects of our teaching.
















with its movement is natural.

is the principal of non resistance.

is martial art though does not know competition.

is more than tactical Self defense.

is asking us not to fight, but to cocreate.

teaches us to transform conflict.

is a social activity.

teaches us to take responsibility.

is health and healing.

is union of body, heart and mind.

non interfering in the natural flow of life.

changes our mind and belief systems.

opens new dimensions of human being.

sees the world holisticaly.

is a contribution to peace.

Aikdo ...


Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba in Japan, as the way of „becoming one with the fundamental power of the Universe“. Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) also called „O Sensei“ (great teacher), was an extraordinary master of budo. He studied different martial arts like the art of the sword, the bo (stick), the spear and Jiu Jutsu. But already as a young man his interest went far deeper than perfecting physical Ability. His primary questions where of spiritual nature. In his japanese tradition Morihei also studied religion and spiritual sciences, mainly Shintoism and Buddhism. After profound and transforming spiritual experiences he created Aikido as „the way of harmony“.

Ai  means to unite, universal love or harmony.

Ki  is life energy, vital Energy, breath, prana (sanskrit).

Do is the path.

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"The devine is not something high above us, it is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us.“

Morihei Ueshiba

Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
