
In Aikido I have found the martial art that satisfies me. Once I start, there is hardly any stopping. The flowing, soft, round movements fascinate me and are a nice challenge.

What I particularly like about the training is that

  • it is very profound and varied and focuses on different aspects (techniques, free forms, training with bokken and jo...)
  • the atmosphere in the dojo is very benevolent, harmonious, appreciative and not competition-oriented
  • learned techniques are refined more and more and adapted to different conditions
  • all levels train together
  • it is offered on six days

Aikido training is an ideal supplement to everyday life, it keeps you fit, it teaches you to focus and to jump or roll over your own shadow.



Aikido gave me back my former light-heartedness. At the beginning I was burdened with a heavy backpack, today it feels very light. Thanks to Aikido I find my way to safety and self-assertion.

At Aikido Unlimited I enjoy support and benevolence. Hardly any other room gives me more peace than this dojo. Which does not mean that humor and laughter do not find a place!

When I enter the tatamis in "my" dojo, I enter "my" second living room.

Little funny remark: Aikido intervenes even in small things. I close the bathrobe consequently from left to right. If the belt would be longer, I would have an origami on my stomach.



In the middle of training, we do a "very simple exercise"... Two by two facing each other: One wants to attack, reaches out for the "opponent's" hand. The latter puts his hand just before the touch would take place, on top of the palm of the "attacker", makes contact and leads him to the ground in an approximately circular movement.

The task is to accomplish this WITHOUT intention, WITHOUT goal, says the teacher.

This is really difficult, but succeeds...

My counterpart is afraid, I address that immediately, but not of me. "Of the mystery", his answer.

Let's repeat that. And once it goes through me: if I and the other person are now in this complete absence of intention, WITHOUT will, WITHOUT pressure, WITHOUT GOAL - then the exercise ends, then the training ends, then I end.

Then there is only and absolutely only this contact, this connection, this merging, this love, this energy.

My deformations, my fears, my patterns are all pushed aside in this very NOW.

A breath of the Great Void, of eternity is passing through me.



Why are you doing Aikido? 

I do aikido for a variety of reasons (mental, physical, and spiritual) but my main reason is to change something inside myself. Overall, it has helped me to transform my life attitude. Mentally, it has helped me to overcome personal obstacles and to commit myself to change. Physically, this martial art has allowed my body to become more limber and flexible. In the spiritual realm, it has opened a feeling of connectedness. I feel like I’m part of a community.

What brings me to Aikido is my desire to learn something new and how to improve my techniques and my attitude. I think 90% of Aikido training is showing up with a positive mindset. It is a matter of showing up. As for the other 10% of the time, for the days lacking motivation (the bad hair days), I have found a welcoming community from the owners (Peter and Julia), the masters, and my fellow students.  

As for the dojo at Aikido Unlimited, it is modern, spacious and filled with light. It is not a dojo that is in the bottom of a building or tucked in a back alley of a city. The dojo is located close to the city of Uster’s infrastructure but has a view of trees and pastures.

In closing, I used to look at my aikido training at 6 month or weekly intervals. Now, I look to see how long can I practice Aikido in my body. How many more training can I do before I get old?



Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
