
Aikido Retreat/Timeout

For a week or according to prior agreement you step out of daily life, live in the dojo and participate in all the classes of the program. This is a wonderful opportunity to train intensively and also take time for yourself. Further more it is possible to book a Tragersession.


150.- per week / 25.- per day. Reduction after 2 weeks stay.

This includes all classes of the program and sleeping in the Uchideshi-sleeping-space.

Not included are meals and if you like a Trager-session. There is a kitchen in the dojo, where you can prepare your own vegetarian meals.

We keep the fee low, in order to make a retreat possible for students and people with low income. In return you help in the dojo, in the kids-classes, with cleaning the mat and other little duties.

Aikido Retreat field report

„The Spirit of Aikido Unlimited: for those who are on the path of Aikido and feel called to step forward on all levels, I warmly recommend an Uchidechi Retreat at Aikido Unlimited.

The weeks I spent there where very inspiring and constructive for me. My understanding of Aikido has expanded and the feeling for my Hara deepened.

I thank the two senseis and aikidokas and am grateful for the intense and diversified time. I will be back soon!“

Annette C.


For those inspired to train and look into the arts more intensly, we invite you to stay at aikidounlimited as Uchideshi (live in students) for several weeks or months. The framework of Aikido, Meditation, Bodywork and personal exploration offers the opportunity for self-discovery, self-expression and liberation of old behavior patterns.

Interested in a retreat or to be Uchideshi?


Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
