
Depending on the age and development children and adolescents are challenged in technical learning, awareness and concentration. They are encouraged to develop their own core capabilities through the practice of Aikido. We emphasize the value of knowing ones own abilities and to be able to adapt with the confrontational challenges. A natural self-confidence, not based on competition, helps cultivate a way of learning and training together. We encourage the children to take their own responsibility for their learning process. Aikido Unlimited provides an atmosphere of attentiveness, respect and joy.

All trainings start and end with a brief meditation with the aim to become centered in one self. After a warm up we train „Ukemi“ (falling safely), techniques and spontaneous responses to different attacks.

Children and youth can participate in the trainings 2 times a week, additionally the youth have the possibility to train with the adults in all evening class (18:30 - 20:00).

Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
