
"Meditation is simple and yet not easy." Sitting in silence, relaxing and being present. Perceive sensations, feelings and thoughts without holding on to them.

Beyond everyday- and life stories we can explore a state in which we don't have to represent anything. We can come to rest and have a feeling of coming home, of experiencing ourselves in a deep way. Thereby an inner freedom becomes accessible, which finally frees us from the dependence of a world constantly pulling us outward and the compulsion to short-lived satisfaction.

"It is as if we sat down and looked into the wide sky. Clouds pass by (our psychic patterns and fears) and we let them pass friendly. We allow ourselves to let go and for moments our heart expands into infinite blue". 

Meditation can be started by anyone of any age. Meditation cushions (if needed also a chair) are available in the Dojo.

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Aikido Unlimited | Uster West 12 | CH-8610 Uster | Switzerland | +41 43 497 84 64 | mail
